Will Kingston 1333mhz ram work with Corsair 1333mhz ram

Ali Hasnain1

May 14, 2015
As I want to upgrade my ram which is currently only 4Gb (Corsair value) at the moment.
My cousin was selling her pc so she told me If I wanted a piece of it.
She has Kingston 1333 Mhz 4Gb Memory. I just want to know if it would work alongside my Corsair one.

My Specs :
Intel Core i5 2500k (3.3Ghz)
Intel Dh61ww (only supports 1333mhz rams)
Asus R9 270 OC
Corsair VS 550
It's a maybe, plain and simple, they might play they might not, if they don't you might get them to play with voltage/timing adjustments, but there are no guarantees...if you can get your hands on them for a few minutes, give them a try
Yes it will work. How well it works and how stable it is will depend on several factors. Timings, voltage, and similarity to the old stick if you use it in Dual Channel mode. Try it and see. If you end up getting memory errors or BSODs, then it will be because it wasn't a close enough match to the old stick. Chances are pretty good that it will be fine.
It's a maybe, plain and simple, they might play they might not, if they don't you might get them to play with voltage/timing adjustments, but there are no guarantees...if you can get your hands on them for a few minutes, give them a try