Will my CPU overheat after installing new graphics card?


Nov 24, 2014
Ok so in the next month i am planning on replacing my gtx 750ti with a gigabyte gtx 970 g1 and i hope to oc it to the max but im worried about airflow within my case. when under load my amd fx 6300 usually sits at about 54-55c. the reason i am worried about airflow after installing the new gpu is because it is going to be a rather tight fit in my case and will extend into the hd bays.

my question is could the extra 10-15c that the gtx 970 (roughly 10-15c hotter under load than my current gpu) will add to my case and through lack of airflow cause my cpu to overheat (max 65c i believe)? if so is there anyway i could keep it within the temp limit without adding extra fans or having to switch to a new case entirely? Thanks

Thanks for such a quick response but i have just one more question. is it an easy process replacing cpu fans? (im computer noob) would the cooler master hyper 212 evo do the job?

Ok ill make sure to get one of those when buying my new gpu. Thanks again for all the help
You guys aren't thinking this through. If his case has poor airflow and is not taking in enough cool air and expelling enough hot air how the heck does swapping in an aftermarket cpu cooler help? Answer-not at all. A cpu cooler isn't going to do squat if his case is full of heated air. Use some common sense.

The heat sink for 212 evo is big. He might want to check if it can fit in his case.

its a little big but hell be able to fit it in