Will my GPU bottleneck the CPU


Jul 10, 2017
Current CPU - FX-6300
Current GPU - RX 460 2GB
Im thinking about buying a used i5 6400 for about 80$
Will my gpu bottleneck the cpu in games like GTA V and other AAA games?
I will probaly buy a fairly cheap LGA 1151 Mobo and 8GB DDR4 if i do buy the CPU

Get the new processor the FX 6300 is very old and did not have that good of performance when first released.
Yes your video card is just a entry level card for gaming but you can always turn the in game settings down till you can also replace it.
With the FX 6300 their no reason really to upgrade the video card when the CPU upgrade would put you in better shape for the future as all you would need is a video card upgrade.
Your GPU is holding back your CPU by 13%. If you buy a used i5 6400 you will be holding back your CPU by 16% which means there is no reason to upgrade. If you’ve got the money you should probably buy the new rx 580.

Show me how you get these numbers!
Everything will change depending on the game or program he/she is using or playing.

The FX processor is very old and a i5 6400 is a huge upgrade over the FX. I would not even be stressed over bottlenecking get the good processor and you can upgrade the video card later.
Their never been a PC built without a bottleneck and never will be. All it means is the slowest part doing the task at hand and can change to a different part doing a different task .
Yes that is correct but the thing is that while playing triple A titles your gpu an cpu are going to be under a lot of stress meaning it will be bottlenecking most of the time as that’s what he/she wants to use the pc for.
No, a bottleneck actually means when a component in your PC is holding back the full ability of another component because it isn’t good enough. For example, playing with an early gen i3 and a gtx 1080ti is not going to be a pleasant experience a you’d get the same FPS if you just got a 750ti.

All it means is the slowest part doing the task at hand and can change to a different part doing a different task . ( you can change to wording anyway you wish it still has the same meaning)

You also never said where you got the specific numbers you listed above.

He don't have a i3 or a GTX 1080ti and running a certain game that is more single threaded at a high monitor resolution even that combination could work.

When your upgrading you cant always just say buy this to balance your PC. You can always turn your in game settings down to make it easier on the video card but if your CPU cant process the information the it don't matter.

That is a joke every game is different some CPU dependent some GPU dependent then you get into in game settings and monitor resolution and refresh rate.
Don't just go by generic crap.
Someone sounds a bit angry, it’s just an estimate of the bottleneck it’s not suppost to be accurate. I’m not sure if you understand what a bottleneck is. You’re definition of a bottleneck is actually bullshit and you’re just saying random shit that makes no sense. If your GPU is at 100% usage while gaming and your cpu is at 85% it is a bottleneck. Not too major but still a bottleneck. He/she shouldn’t upgrade the processor because doing so wouldn’t change much in gaming.

Upgrading from an old FX CPU to an i5 would provide substantial FPS gains in most games. Don't believe me then watch any of the videos on YouTube about those cpus

Get the new processor the FX 6300 is very old and did not have that good of performance when first released.
Yes your video card is just a entry level card for gaming but you can always turn the in game settings down till you can also replace it.
With the FX 6300 their no reason really to upgrade the video card when the CPU upgrade would put you in better shape for the future as all you would need is a video card upgrade.