e.geric50 :
bignastyid :
Even at 1080p its not going the make the game unplayable. My 3820 has no problem in GTA V with a 980ti.
Did you overclock it?
It plays no role in that. The bottlenecking that TJ Hooker mentioned is sort of misleading, though he is completely correct.
At 1080p the GPU can generate so many FPS that the CPU will not keep up. But if you look at the actual FPS being generated they are a useless value unless you have a 144hz monitor. If like most people you play on a 60hz monitor then you don't even want FPS above 60. So you can use fast-sync (in Nvida control panel) or MSI after burner (a free download) or V-Sync (built in to games, but the slowest FPS cap). Keeping your refresh rate and your FPS in sync eliminates...