[SOLVED] Will my motherboard come with the updated bios?


Apr 18, 2015
So, I want to do a build with the new 3rd gen ryzen cpu's but the new x570 chipset is way too much on any board right now. However, The one im looking at is the Gigabyte Aurus b450M Micro ATX motherboard. I was wondering if it came with the new update from either outletpc or Newegg. Mind you I don't have any old CPU's lying around nor do I have any friends i can lend from


unknown. only way to know is to try and that could wast time and/or money.
I suggest either getting a 2nd generation Ryzen or spring for the x570 board. either of these choices will ensure your good.
I assume you do not have an older AMD CPU lying around (did you see this?). I suggest buy the MB from a store close to you. Once you have the machine running, immediately load the latest BIOS from the MB vendors site. If the MB refuses to boot, then just pop down to the retailer, and ask them to flash the latest BIOS for you.