Will my OC amd Athlon x4 750k bottleneck my new rx 480 gpu


Jun 30, 2016
Hello everyone, I am wondering if my AMD athlon x4 750k will bottleneck the rx 480 gpu i bought yesterday, i got my cpu overclocked to 4.8 ghz stable with watercooling and im wondering if it will still continue to bottleneck the gpu i bought, the rx 480 is the 8gb version also, i am not seeing a huge performance increase in firestrike, or any of the games i play, like witcher 3 after purchasing this card i moved up from an r9 380 i had overclocked to 1130 core, and 1550 mem, so i feel like my cpu is holding my card back significantly, but i dont want to spend a huge amount of money on an, i5 6600k, a new mobo, and ddr4 ram right now if there is a better solution for the time being as that would be several hundred dollars. I am wondering if it will make my system run that much better with a newer cpu as apposed to the very old one im running now.

Thank you all!!
Better CPU such as anything 3rd gen intel or up, will yield much higher FPS depending on the game, as much as 30-40fps more honestly, i know it sucks, but even at 4.8ghz that athlon just doesnt cut the mustard. Compare your FPS on certain games with the benchmarks of the rx 480 when paired with XXX Cpu and you will see the exact FPS Increase you will get.
As far as games the require heavy cpu agility i am not sure which ones tend to require more work of the cpu, or more work of the gpu, do you have any examples of games that might out of curiosity? The games i have been playing lately, are overwatch,
Rocket leauge,
Witcher 3,
Cs go,

Also on another note i havw read that this card isnt expressively a 4k card as it does not have the raw power to run max settings on 4k, but i have seen it said that it can run medium settings at 4k, but when i try to run even low settings at 4k through my 4k tv to play games on steam that use a controller (you know so i can sit back on the couch) i still get very laggy gameplay no matter how much i tweak the settings.

And btw thank you so much for youre fast response
Better CPU such as anything 3rd gen intel or up, will yield much higher FPS depending on the game, as much as 30-40fps more honestly, i know it sucks, but even at 4.8ghz that athlon just doesnt cut the mustard. Compare your FPS on certain games with the benchmarks of the rx 480 when paired with XXX Cpu and you will see the exact FPS Increase you will get.

There are no Athlon with rx 480 benchmarks. But it all depends on the game, It won't bottleneck but if you want a great amount of fps for csgo h1z1 etc you need a i5. Athlon does well with games like bf,assasins creed etc.

Overall: Games that are gpu based the athlon shall not bottleneck and for that It is a great budget CPU. Games that are CPU demanding are cpu demanding, so for csgo etc cpu makes the fps.
So im just a small bit confused here, i understand the gener consensus that its only not great on cpu heavy games but i feel like i have some people telling me that it will make no difference and some people telling me it will make all the difference im not trying to be naive here in the fact that yes of course a nice newer i5 would of course be better than my old athlon, im just wondering basically if at this point it is holding it back soo much that its making it pointless to have bought this rx 480 without upgrading my cpu

Thank you all for the input and help!

Get the RX 480! For 200 dollar it is the best new card out there! If your system does bottleneck it you could always upgrade your system!