The card isn't problem, but the CPU i think here will be a problem. i'm sure you will be able to run the games you listed, but i'm agreed with @CustomBulids, if you're on cheap budget, try picking up an FX 8320 (why not?).
Well this guy off of YouTube runs tests with the GTX 750 ti and the Intel i3 4150 (Which is extremely identical!) and runs games like GTA V on all high settings with 30 fps. I think you guys may be a bit off. But idk check him out.
Here is a bench mark test between my CPU and the YouTuber's
My CPU out ranks his and he runs games like the division on medium settings an hits 30-38+ FPS and GTA V on high/ultra settings at 30-37 fps without it dropping under 30. SO I was freaking out for nothing about to upgrade when I did not have to.
Each core from Intel is faster than AMD single core, and there is where the things change, and fps. Your CPU isn't similar in this scenario with i3 4th generation.