This tecnology will need to be implemented by the devs, or every windows game will be improved? There is a lot of old games like outer worlds that suffer from asset load stutter, would be nice see improviment natively.
For every DirectX family feature, Microsoft brings together the best of the PC gaming industry players to standardize new gaming features, make them available to game developers, and eventually get them into your gaming machines.
This process has already begun for DirectStorage and we’re working with our industry partners right now to finish designing/building the API and its supporting components. We’re targeting getting a development preview of DirectStorage into the hands of game developers next year.
You are not getting asset load stutter because your system isn't able to load the assets fast enough, those assets where made to be loaded from dvd or the slow ps4 hdd.This tecnology will need to be implemented by the devs, or every windows game will be improved? There is a lot of old games like outer worlds that suffer from asset load stutter, would be nice see improviment natively.
Directstorage needs to be implemented by game developers to see any benefit from it in game. It will not automatically fix what you perceive as asset load stutter.This tecnology will need to be implemented by the devs, or every windows game will be improved? There is a lot of old games like outer worlds that suffer from asset load stutter, would be nice see improviment natively.