Will Overclocking my cpu give me a massive fps increase in titanfall?


Feb 15, 2014
I have a AMD FX 6300 and a gtx 760. If I overclock my fx 6300 will I get a big fps increase?
When I play TItanfall with everything on high except ragdolls and shadows(they are set to low) amd x4 msaa my fps drops to 50 when i shoot my quad rocket. If a titan blows up next to me it can fos as low as 28. So will overclocking fix that or should i buy a better cpu?

Thanks a bunch!
overclocking your cpu at best will give you a slight increase in lowest frame dips. But more importantly, what is your current cpu usage while gaming? My laptops i7 4700 goes as high as 60%, my 8350 overclocked to 5.2 or even 4.8 gives 40-55% usage. If your 6300 is being maxed at 100% then overclocking should make it perform better. If its not (which I don't think it is) then at minimum your lowest fps might go from 28 to 29. Games like titanfall are extremely gpu bound. Yes a good cpu is needed, but is only going so far. Gaming usually gives 50% cpu but 100% gpu usage. Gettinga better gpu will still max the gpu out, but also use more cpu power as well then. Doesn't go the other way.
overclocking your cpu at best will give you a slight increase in lowest frame dips. But more importantly, what is your current cpu usage while gaming? My laptops i7 4700 goes as high as 60%, my 8350 overclocked to 5.2 or even 4.8 gives 40-55% usage. If your 6300 is being maxed at 100% then overclocking should make it perform better. If its not (which I don't think it is) then at minimum your lowest fps might go from 28 to 29. Games like titanfall are extremely gpu bound. Yes a good cpu is needed, but is only going so far. Gaming usually gives 50% cpu but 100% gpu usage. Gettinga better gpu will still max the gpu out, but also use more cpu power as well then. Doesn't go the other way.