Will Replacing my old Graphics Card that my computer shipped with with a EVGA GeForce GTX 750 TI Increase my FPS in games?


May 7, 2014
Hi, my computer is about 4-5 years old and these are my specs with my old terrible graphics card:

My PC Specs:

Ms Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. AMD Anthlon II X2 245 Processor, 4 GB Ram, [Current Graphics Card] ATI Radeon HD 4200. 2.90 GHZ.

If I replaced my old graphics card with a EVGA GeForce GTX 750Ti would this massively increase my FPS in games? Whenever I go to websites like "Canyourunit.com" it always says my graphics card falls short and when I play games like DayZ standalone I have to have the resolution super low, and graphics set to very low and I have a pretty bad FPS.
go for AMD.. R9 280 or something like that.. or Nvidia GTX 770 and above..

depends, if you are going to run heavy games like BF/COD etc, yeah.. your PC needs an upgrade..

for CPU, intel i5 4670k or AMD fx 8350. (or get a FX 8320 and OC it..)

Depending on your budget, pick any one of the following GPU..

The Tires:

Nvidia: GTX 590, 680, 770
AMD: HD 7970 GHz Ed, R9 280X

Nvidia GTX 670, 760
AMD: HD 7950, 280

These are similar in performance.. (you won't maybe get the HD 79xx series from AMD)

you pick something that costs least to you.. :)

I suggest you go with AMD because AMD offers better bandwidth (384bit) at the same price than Nvidia (256 bit).. if you are going for 4k gaming or something, the AMD will not fail you because...
Should I replace anything else? I don't always PC game but I would like to enjoy the games I have, do you think the computer I have right now could even handle this card? It's a dell Insprion 570, with my specs listed above.

Is there anything else I should replace on the card? I don't have much money but maybe a new graphics card could do the trick.
I'm almost certain it shipped with a 300 Watt PSU, and it says on this graphics card it says you must have a 300 watt psu, is there a way of finding out without opening my computer, I have a dell insprion 570.

If my computer is 300 watt psu, and I use this grpahics card which requires 300 watt psu will this fry my computer?
go for AMD.. R9 280 or something like that.. or Nvidia GTX 770 and above..

depends, if you are going to run heavy games like BF/COD etc, yeah.. your PC needs an upgrade..

for CPU, intel i5 4670k or AMD fx 8350. (or get a FX 8320 and OC it..)

Depending on your budget, pick any one of the following GPU..

The Tires:

Nvidia: GTX 590, 680, 770
AMD: HD 7970 GHz Ed, R9 280X

Nvidia GTX 670, 760
AMD: HD 7950, 280

These are similar in performance.. (you won't maybe get the HD 79xx series from AMD)

you pick something that costs least to you.. :)

I suggest you go with AMD because AMD offers better bandwidth (384bit) at the same price than Nvidia (256 bit).. if you are going for 4k gaming or something, the AMD will not fail you because you will need the higher bandwidth, hence future proof..

just remember that you will need a compatible PSU.. something like about 550 watts bronze 80+ atleast in case you are not x-firing/SLI.. for those you better get atleast 750 watts..

atleast 8 gig of RAM (DDR3 1333mhz) ought to do.. but DDR4 is on its way now..

So If I just spent 150 $ on a gaming graphics card, and nothing else what would happen? Would I get more FPS? I'm not looking on running high settings just about medium settings. I'm really only looking on spending about 150 $ to improve my fps.
Games are mostly GPU dependent.. so theoretically yes.. what is your PSU??
Also, your CPU must not be a bottleneck to your GPU.. it's pointless about getting a 150$ GPU if your CPU is a restricting factor that does not enable the GPU to perform to it's fullest.. AKA, you may not get a great FPS boost if your CPU is a bottleneck..
Do you think my dell insprion 570 cpu will bottleneck with this graphics card?

Also, how exactly can I tell what my psu is, and can you recommend any efficent psu's I could buy that are possibly 50 $?

So, this one would do: http://www.amazon.com/Sapphire-Version-PCI-Express-Graphics-11222-06-20G/dp/B00HJOKCZI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1399494474&sr=8-1&keywords=amd+r7