Honestly, I think that for the most of us ordinary people, technology and other stuff has reached it's peak and can only go back from here. I don't think that flying cars or whatever ideas people have in mind now will become a reality. Maybe, but only for a small portion of people. Yeah - we will have faster internet, maybe electrical cars (for everyone I mean), but I don't believe there's gonna be much new world-changing innovations. Come to think of it - the last decade (2009-2019) hasn't really changed much except in capacities, if you understand me. What's your take on it?
I agree completely, I think we've peaked a bit. You mentioned "not really changing much except in
capacities", most of what people cite as our technological advancements thus far and our abilities to do some pretty incredible stuff all stem from one thing: harnessing electricity, and by proxy, harnessing some other forms of energy to generate more electricity, but almost everything mentioned in this thread (internet, computers, smart phones, satellites, etc) is all the result of harnessing something that's been around since the dawn of time, we've just managed to harness it, generate it, pipeline it on large/small/microscopic levels, and like you mentioned, use it in varying
capacities. We've taken something like electricity and advanced the hell out of it, but the technologies and devices that have stemmed from it I feel give people a false sense of an amazingly high-tech human empire that spans galaxies, unhindered by truths that are very real and very very good at... hindering.....
And as far as, travelling to, and colonizing other planets and things like this, give me a break... People actually reference films, television and even cartoons and make generalized blanket statements like "See? We have technology that they didn't even have in those lofty futuristic shows back then, we're so advanced, so much more than they predicted we'd be even in the year 2050 or whatever" These starstruck dreamers usually cite humans briefly walking on the moon, the ISS, etc as proof that we will be traveling the star, living on Mars soon, leaving the solar system, etc, but when you really get down to the realities of the things like, in order to reach even the outermost planets in our OWN solar system with a large enough craft to hold crew members, cargo, etc, you'd have to have enough rocket fuel on board that the craft would be too heavy to launch and make it off our own planet in the first place! There have been what, a half dozen to a dozen tiny unmanned crafts sent to Mars (a lot of them have just simply crashed, malfunctioned, etc), the effort and expense is even astronomical with that but still people are talking about transporting LIVING FACILITIES to Mars to create a habitable living situation with multiple different buildings (you know, the whole "the air isn't breathable, the temperature extremes will kill you" sort of thing)?
But enough about space, down here on the earth's crust I do feel like we've peaked in a way that, at this point we have the ability to see and manipulate the tiniest and largest objects within our grasp, test and combine those objects & materials, etc, but people are just
expecting some amazing, unseen breakthrough, like magnetic warp drive engine space ships, and sure, something incredible that no human has ever conceived or thought of MIGHT come out of thin air, but at this point it's wishful thinking. I feel like we will (again, like op mentioned) keep pushing the CAPACITIES of things like data transfer speeds, data storage, naturally aspirated car engine efficiencies, jet engine air travel, etc.... but teleportation, faster than light space travel, nah
Also consider that we're seemingly trying VERY hard to destroy our own planet before we can even make it to a different planet or develop some scifi matter teleportation tech. Earth is becoming a smoldering, smog filled, run down, concrete rubble, dark, bleak, exhausted mess of a once blue and green planet
People often say "We can do things now that people 50 or 100 years ago could have never dreamed of". As far back as 100 years communication, research, cooperation with people from other countries let alone neighboring states was, at best, extremely hindered. Research and knowledge was limited to your local library or, if you're lucky, a local university with antiquated textbooks and out of date information. Today, most of the 7.7 billion people on the planet can instantly speak and collaborate with any other, from any language, anywhere else on the planet. The chances of coming up with one of these pipe dreamy type technologies that will get us to a different galaxy can't really get any better than they are now, or have been since the explosion of the internet unless we pump more people, more minds on to an already overcrowded planet to add more brainpower to the process, and it doesn't seem to be happening. To put it a different way, with 7.7 billion people on the planet, all able to communicate with each other instantly, the chance for an "A-HA!" moment has been at its peak for a long time, but it doesn't seem to be happening
inb4 "You're wrong, look at this article about google
testing magnetic space craft engines or NASA
hoping to send people to mars in 2050".......