Hats off to people who correctly pointed out that Maxwell 1) utilizes the memory bus more efficiently 2) has an increased L2 cache (2 MB to be specific). Those of you who love to comment on things without understanding them fully: why don't you first gather more knowledge on the topic? Things in tech change fast. A few years ago everyone was fussing over RAM clocks and timings, nowadays no one really cares because the performance impact is minimal. Likewise, with Maxwell, things have changed and even a GTX 980 is happy with 256-bit bus. That card is a monster. Even knowing just this one fact, by all logic you shouldn't worried about 192-bit or even 128-bit bus on a card two tiers down, but noooooo, let's complain instead of thinking a bit first...
Completely agreed on 2 GB VRAM and $250 though: both numbers are ridiculous. I'm still on a 4-year-old 560 Ti 1 GB (love that card, only had to change the fans once) and the only thing that really annoys me for the last 2 years is that I did not invest into a 2 GB version or even a 570 2 GB. And soon, many games will use over 2 GB VRAM easily, especially more demanding ones.. At $50 difference it's a no-brainer, GTX 970 4 GB would be so much better than a 960 2 GB... even if that means a sacrifice on some other component (or not eating for a week, lol). 960 should be closer to $200 and for $250 I expect to see factory-OC'd version of it with 2-4 GB VRAM. Then there's something to think about.