Specs : i7 3770, 2x4gb DDR3 ram, 1 TB HDD, tr2 challenger 500w psu (3yrs old), and getting a GTX 1080
Hey, my old gtx 970 (3yrs old) died a week ago so im currently getting a gtx 1080 and now have a 1440p display. I was wondering whether its worth upgrading my PSU to one thats better quality such as
this one - https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00IJERL60/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1_1_1?smid=A2LNOP4UQZJ1&psc=1. My friend says the PSU I have is already good quality but there are no professional reviews of it online (that im aware of) so im not sure. Would it be safe to use the GPU with my current PSU?
Hey, my old gtx 970 (3yrs old) died a week ago so im currently getting a gtx 1080 and now have a 1440p display. I was wondering whether its worth upgrading my PSU to one thats better quality such as
this one - https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00IJERL60/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1_1_1?smid=A2LNOP4UQZJ1&psc=1. My friend says the PSU I have is already good quality but there are no professional reviews of it online (that im aware of) so im not sure. Would it be safe to use the GPU with my current PSU?