I'm building a budget pc for about 400-450 dollars and I was planning on getting an AMD Athlon ii x4 640 quad core and an Radeon HD 7850 1GB. Im worried the processor might bottleneck the GPU, can anyone help?
you will have more FPS with an i5/i7, considering that you can say that there will be a bottleneck. Will your rig be able to play all games on high/ultra, yes, it will. Personalyy, i would go with atleast the FX 6300 from AMD and OC it. For the price of an i5 you can buy the fx 6300 + mobo.
I don't think it will bottleneck. The 7850 is good, but it's not that powerfull, the cpu might only bottleneck the card just a tiny bit at about 1680 x 1050 and above, but hardly anything at all really. You could also go for a 965 they're going for cheap now a days, I actually have a saved part list that is in this price range, it's meant to forget everything but performance for dollar :
It depends on the game, The CPU should not be a bottleneck for the card in most games. It's not the best gaming CPU mostly due to the low clockspeed but that's a different issue. If you can overclock that would help.
The only Game I can think of that will witness a bottleneck would be Skyrim (That's due to it's notorious for CPU pounding ).
Other than that, you'll be fine
The only advice I'll give you is to get a MB that is good for OC (THIS WILL HELP).
I'm building a budget pc for about 400-450 dollars and I was planning on getting an AMD Athlon ii x4 640 quad core and an Radeon HD 7850 1GB. Im worried the processor might bottleneck the GPU, can anyone help?
Maybe a bit, if you could afford a Phenom II x4 9xx there will be no problem. I have that combination.
That said ...the AMD Athlon ii x4 640 is $74.23 while Ph ii x4 965 is $84, so for 10$ more it will be more beneficial cpu to get.
actually... whatt about this cpu...
the phenom ii x4 965 isnt compatable with my mobo... then again... i should probably just get a different mobo as you said..
I've never built a computer before so I'm kinda conflicted