Will this fit my computer and is it worth it?

Fake Glory

Dec 25, 2014
So I'm looking into upgrading my pc graphics card and was wondering if the one im looking at will fit my computer, I have a hp pavillion p2388ea, I was looking at getting this card: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00ICUGOP0/ref=s9_simh_gw_p147_d0_i1?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0WGQVVMWNNHC8PKA0HPV&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=455344027&pf_rd_i=468294
(I know bout upgrading the psu)
so basically im just asking if it will fit/ compatible and is it worth getting? Or is there better one in roughly the same price range? Thanks!
I play games like runescape, battlefield 4 and guild wars 2, will be hoping to play a couple of new games coming out early next year :)

Do you mean the p6-2388ea? Anyway, it should fit that card nicely, what card do you have right now? Would you happen to know the exact mesures of your case/current card?


yeah sorry it is the p6-2388ea, the case is just the same one it came with when i bought it from the shop but i dont know the measures of it sorry, my current card is amd radeon hd 7570 i think..So you say it will defo fit and it is a decent card?


Yeah, it's definitely a good card. I'd maybe wait for the GTX 960? Nonetheless I think that card will serve your purposes just fine. You might want to make sure it fits (it should but you never know). Mesure the space between the back and whatever might be in front and that may cause trouble (ex. the drive bays). The mesurements of the card are online so you can compare them.


ahh okie thank you! do you think i will need a better psu? i read somewhere that it needs bout 150w and i have a 300w psu so i should be covered right? (sorry for all the noob questions, im new to this pc building stuff 😛)

Only a 300w PSU? Welp, I'd sure upgrade it to something like 500w. Don't get me wrong, as that system could be running fine at 250-275w, but I'd always have the fear of getting a black screen all of the sudden (even in the middle of something important). Just my thoughts on the matter.