Looking to upgrade my cpu and mobo.
All I really do is play World of Warcraft and stream every now and then. I'm really looking to have better fps while gaming. I'm currently using a fx 8350 and a msi 970a-g-43 mobo. Also something else I'm curious about is if my psu will be able to handle it. I'm using a CX 600 PSU. My gpu is a Geforce gtx 970. Might be interested in overclocking down the road.
All I really do is play World of Warcraft and stream every now and then. I'm really looking to have better fps while gaming. I'm currently using a fx 8350 and a msi 970a-g-43 mobo. Also something else I'm curious about is if my psu will be able to handle it. I'm using a CX 600 PSU. My gpu is a Geforce gtx 970. Might be interested in overclocking down the road.