Will this MOBO fit the amd 8350/8320


That's a good board. better than the other one. It should work with either of those CPUs out of the box.
If buying it new, yes.
If this is an older version of that board, please list the Rev. number. The one in the link is 5.1. Is that yours? There are 3 revisions of that board. We need to know the rev number of the board in question to be sure it has the correct BIOS.

ok well then im thinking of purchasing this board (http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-motherboard-m5a97r20) to run an 8350, do you think it would be worth it or is this mobo a P.O.S

That's a good board. better than the other one. It should work with either of those CPUs out of the box.
^The reason he says that, and I agree, is because these CPUs need a lot of power, and the VRMs on that motherboard are weak and there are no heatsinks on them. It would be safer to limit your choice to the 95W FX-6300 on that board.
If you do not already have that board, I would suggest a 900-series board other than the MSI 970A-G4x boards, which also have weak VRMs (even the one with heatsinks). Note that any "960," "980," or "970DE" board may actually have a 700-series chipset.

Edit: My comment refers to SR-71's first remark. The Asus 970 is a good board.

alright yeah i mean the only reason i have that first MOBO is because that is the current one i have... but it hink im just gonna go with the asus 970... do you know tho if that new MB will be4 able to hold a gtx 960?