Will this power supply support my new graphics card?

Normally we'd ask for the rest of your system components, but unless you have some power sucking rig, that PSU is more than sufficient to power pretty much any system with that graphics card.

The upside to your PSU of choice is it's a really good quality supply. Tier 1 according to Tom's Hardwares PSU Tier List.
Normally we'd ask for the rest of your system components, but unless you have some power sucking rig, that PSU is more than sufficient to power pretty much any system with that graphics card.

The upside to your PSU of choice is it's a really good quality supply. Tier 1 according to Tom's Hardwares PSU Tier List.
Yes, it will do the job. A GTX970 needs only 500w.
I have no problem overprovisioning a PSU a bit. Say 20%.
It will run cooler, quieter, and more efficiently in the middle third of it's range.
A PSU will only use the wattage demanded of it, regardless of it's max capability.

But, the psu is only a tier 3 quality unit on this list:

I think you can do better for less.
Here is a tier 2 620w Seasonic for half the price:

I do not put much value in gold rating or modular.
Cost savings with gold rating are miniscule, and you are going to use most of the power leads anyway.


I thought so at first, but that is only the 1000 and 1300w units on the newegg list.

I don't see that supply listed anywhere on that list. The only EVGA G2's are the 1000W and 1300W which are both Tier 1. The entire G2 line are fantastic supplies, and reviewed very well.

Jonny Guru gave it a 9.8 out of 10 in his review here:

Jonny Guru EVGA SuperNova 750 G2 Review

That list at NewEgg differs from the one here at Tom's:

Tom's PSU Tier List

I agree, the newegg list needs to be updated.
Jonnyguru is probably the most authoritative reviewer out there and a go to source.

The 520w version of the S12II had a similarly stellar rating of 9.7.