[SOLVED] Will this RAM work with my motherboard?


Aug 15, 2015
Hey, so I've recently bought and received a pack of Corsair 16gb DDR4 Vengeance Pro RGB 3000mhz ram. I also ordered a Gigabyte B450 Aorus Pro wifi motherboard and I wanted to know if my ram works for said motherboard.

Ram : https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820236426

Motherboard : https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813145082

I check the QVL just to be sure, but didn't see it listed. However I was told that the list is outdated anyway and other people have used this ram, with this mobo and it worked. CMW16GX4M2D3000C16 is the weird serial number thing for the RAM.

I just want a more professional, or at least someone with experience in this matter, to give me their opinion or knowledge if it's fine and should work.
Im sure it will work, however I cant say if it will work at it's rated speeds and timings. Default it should run at 2133mhz, im sure that will work fine but not ideal. To get 3000mhz CL16 you will need to enable XMP in the BIOS if that mobo has it, use one of the DOCP profiles, or manually configure the rated speeds, voltage, and timings. If the system does not boot or run stable at 3000mhz CL16 you will need to lower speeds and/or raise the timings until you find something that does work.
It's probably fine. I think most of the Vengeance memory being sold now works correctly with Ryzen. It was more of a problem when Ryzen first came out. Ryzen and BIOS updates have improved compatibility. Manufacturers have updated many of their lines to improve compatibility.

Specifically there are a few mentions in the user reviews of your RAM working with Ryzen boards at full speed.