WIll this work?


Sep 9, 2011
Alright so i found out more about my computer and i guess i have my graphics card on my motherboard and I want a new one.
This tell you everything about my computer http://bizsupport1.austin.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?objectID=c01430264&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=101&contentType=SupportFAQ&prodSeriesId=3677047&prodTypeId=12454
Will I be able to get a different graphics card? What kind of slot/ what graphic cards will work?
& Are there different kinds of Power Supplies for the PC? because i want to upgrade to around 450w but Im not sure if my computer needs a specific type.

So all im asking pretty much is what type of graphics card will work on my computer if I upgrade my power supply to 450w
You can get a different(upgrade) GPU.

Your motherboard has a standard PCI-Express x16 slot.Since it's an AM2+ socket i'm going to guess the PCI-E x16 slot is a 1.0 version which means you should select a 2.0 card.

I'm just gonna say you should get a 6670/5670.I'm thinking that with your processor being AM2+ and a 95watt that anything more pwoerful than a 6670/5670 will get bottlenecked.

We also need to know your budget for the PSU and GPU.

Thanks for the reply 😀!
Now my PSU is 300w and these two cards need 300w
-ATi Radeon HD 4550
-nVidia GeForce GT 220

Are these cards good? Im sure there are alot better ones but they seem to be good enough for me...
I want to know if these are going to be compatible with my computer. The slots of these cards fit in my computer? Will it work? thanks for the replies guys. Really appreciate it!!!

this chipset supports PCIe 2.0

yes it will work, do you have a quad core CPU or a dual core, i couldn't get it from the link you provided

thanks purple 😀
so the 6575 will work with my psu and motherboard? thank you so much!!

I plan on buying the card on ebay so that they are cheaper than instores. I plan paying like max 80ish
The 6570 only consumes 50watts.That combined with the rest of your PC you'll probably only need about 250watts at max.Even though HP PSU's aren't good at all you are still within the limitations of the PSU.

ilysaml said that you have a 2.0 slot.Therefore you should be alright to go with a 2.1 card.
But if you do have a 1.0 slot then you should probably go for a 2.0 card because 2.1 cards are known to have issues with 1.0 slots even though they're backwards compatible.

purple i love you man. thanks for spending your time helping me. means alot! 😀
are you sure? you seem like you know what you are doing so im trusting you
i looked inside my pc and i just see PCI x16
and the website also says "1 PCI Express x16 slot for graphics card"
so what would be the best card that is pci 2.0 & 300 w max?
thanks purple <3

Euh . . . : http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/radeon-hd-6570-radeon-hd-6670-turks,2925-15.html

I didn't mean that you are wrong because you said 250 W, i was so stupid that i thought the card alone used something like 185W alone so i meant that in total the wattage would be over 300, but the site i refered to meant total sytem power, so just me being stupid again. 😗 ( to much purple clouds in me head i'm afraid )
Well to me that's what you want to look at is the total system power draw WITH a 6570.That will tell how close the the OP will be to exceeding their power limitations.It's somewhat difficult for me to add the power consumption for each componet.

Just to be sure, how many amps are on the +12v rail(s)?
Their should be a chart on the back of the PSU itself.Look it up there.Then we can determine just exactly how much power that PSU is capable of delivering.