Question Win 8.1 pro catch-22 - unable to activate while trapped in safe mode

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Jul 15, 2020
Recently replacing a failing hard drive required that I put Win 8.1 pro in safe mode to successfully copy files off the failing data drive (the system drive is OK/untouched.) But swapping the data drive apparently (???) triggered de-activation of the OS (I've previously replaced many components, drives, etc, but not the CPU, since the system was new, 10 years ago.)

Now my system is stuck in safe mode (w/o networking.) Running msconfig and selecting normal restart, then apply, and reboot does not result in a normal restart (perhaps because Windows is not activated?), putting me back in safe mode. From safe mode, the activation screen phone activation option hangs after selecting US.

I need to force a normal system restart with networking (so I can then resubmit my product code and, hopefully, obtain online activation) or else find an alternative means for activation.

Thanks for any remedies.
Remove the Data drive and see if you can get to the normal desktop without it.
Disconnecting the new data drive has no apparent effect-- the system still boots up in safe mode (w/o networking), and running msconfig, selecting normal boot, then apply, then OK and reboot, does not yield the expected/desired result; but instead the system restarts still in safe mode.

Nor does the activation-screen phone activation option work. I've also tried substituting back the prior, failing but semi-usable data drive-- again to no apparent benefit.
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