Win 8 on exnternal HDD dual booting with win 7


Feb 4, 2014
Hello, I want to install Windows 8 on external HDD using this method. But I already have win7 on my internal HDD and want to keep it so my system would have dual boot. After this operation with installing win8 will i have normal dual boot screen like this. or I will have to go to bios every time I want to switch and change boot priority?
OK, then you would have to set it in the BIOS to boot from an external drive when you want to get into windows 8. Keep us updated as I am intrigued to see how this goes.
With shown method you can. USB 3.0 is kinda ok and I only need win8 from time to time and can deal with leser performance. And I dont have enough space on my internal ssd to make another partition. So the only choice is this..