win2k issue... this time of my own doing. :(


Dec 31, 2007
got an unusual bootup problem.
earlier this week i was overclocking my system bus.
it runs stable at 150mhz (37.5mzh PCI) but locks up somewhere between 150mhz & 160. almost always giving a blue screen.

so i was trying single multiples and it locked up at 156 with a bluescreen
then when i tried a reboot at a lower frequence i got the following error.

"page fault in no paged area"
"address 804b0be0 base at 80400000 datestamp 3ad7ad60 - ntoskrnl.exe"

and i kept getting the same error... even back at 150mhz where my system unusally runs perfectly fine.
standard system bus of 133 didnt work either.
nor did booting in safe mode, or logging mode.
getting a bit worried at this stage as all were giving exactly the same error.
finally i found that trying "last known working configuration" worked and i got into win2k as normal.

now i find i can reboot as many times as i like, but it still lockes up with the same error if i try anything besides "last known good config"
ive tried using the win2k cd and the repair option with no luck

another thing i noticed when i finally got back into windows was that a nfew devices had uninstalled themselves, namely the modem and the promise ata controller.

suggestions anyone on how to get back to booting normally?

"i love the smell of Overclocking in the morning!" Says my Hamster.
That's the bane of overclocking, babe.

You can overclock just far enough where it's stable at idle, but when you get 10% use, it becomes unstable. And unfortunately, win2k was accessing the kernel at the time. You might try a 'repair' with the win2k boot disk, but if you've not updated your recover files lately (or ever), then that's a no go. Chalk it up to experience, or write it off your taxes.

Final verdict: reformat.

Case closed. :smile:
i dont think you quite followed... not suprising given what happened lol

im using my system RIGHT NOW.
it works fine if i just reboot (automatically using "last known good config), and i have 3 times now for various things. but if i try to boot using "safe mode" it blue screens...

so my safe mode isnt! and my normal mode is!
how wierd is that? and why are they different?

"i love the smell of Overclocking in the morning!" Says my Hamster.
I'm not actually on a Win2k machine and it's a trick I use in Windows NT, but I think you can in Win2k too. You can try (while you're into your system) to save your "Hardware profile" and delete the original one. Maybe it could solve your problem!

Hope that helps!

It's better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick!
hmm. interesting idea. ill give it a try.
nothing critical to loose on my system disk if it goes really wrong.

another question...
u know with win98,
when u do a reinstall, all your programs are still there, as are the appropriate registry settings and start menu folders/icons.

does the same thing happen with a win2k reinstall???
or do i loose the lot?

"i love the smell of Overclocking in the morning!" Says my Hamster.
yup, the windows kernal has been corrupted. the page fault error is telling you that windows is attempting to load pages into memory that it cannot locate. Kernel text and most of its associated data structures reside permanently in physical memory while the operating system is running. obviously, if this cant happen, the OS wont load. a reformat would take care of this, but then again so should a reinstall of the win2k OS. you overclockers are a crazy bunch......always lookin for trouble. sorry about the headache, amigo. but at least its not your hardware thats screwed.

ignore everything i say
but only NOT corrupted on "last known good config"? kinda wierd dontcha thinK?
well ill keep running my system as is... and hope i dont need to use safe mode anytime soon.

system is very stable too. my last UnrealTournament issue was solved by a multiple driver reinstillation.
the detonator 12.40's didnt work, so i tried the 12.41's also didnt work
went back to the 7.97's, it worked. just for fun i went forward to the 12.41 which previously didnt work? guess what. they now work.
another loopy thing with windows.
glad thats sorted :)
now... what does this button do?...... 😉

"i love the smell of Overclocking in the morning!" Says my Hamster.