The only thing(s) I would recommend (haveing been in that position), If possible use a utility like PowerQuest's DriveImage Pro to copy the existing OS's partitions to another harddrive. It's the ultimate "BackUp" if something goes wrong.
Check ALL of the hardware (especially the printer) for latest/Win2k drivers, Yes they can be downloaded easly but that assumes that your modems working. Haveing them on the harddrive before the upgrade is much safer.
Make sure you do the upgrade with a copy of Win2k that's allready at service pack 1. if you have an older/original copy of Win2k download the NetWork copy of service pack 1 (85Mb) Copy the Win2k install files to your harddrive & run the servics pack with the /S😛athtoinstallfiles switch (Theres a much better explanation in the servicepack's help file)
Thats all I can think of
Stoic Joker
Which will upgrade the Win2k installation files