Win7 Black Screen


Apr 15, 2014
I have a problem with my Windows 7 64-bit desktop. Whenever I try to start it I am faced with two choices: Repair or start normally. Both of these options have the same result: a black screen with my mouse pointer. I can do nothing on this black screen and cannot log into my computer. I have tried several times to run it in safe mode but it always gets stuck and crashes. Do I need to wipe my pc, or can it be saved?
The problem started when I installed Realtek HD audio drivers. After it finished installing my entire computer just stopped responding. I could move the mouse but every program open could not be affected by clicking on it, even Ctrl+ Alt + Delete did nothing! Maybe I got it from a fake website or something, I don't know, but nevertheless I can't log into my computer. I have tried making a system repair disk but with the exact same results of a black screen. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
having bad sectors on a hard drive DOESN"T make any noises! Use Crystal Disk Info in my signature if and when you get windows up and running or if you slave it over to another PC. If it says anything besides GOOD it needs to be replaced!
When you first turn on your PC press F8 on and off. You should get a similar screen but with a lot more options.

Use the arrow keys to select Safe Mode (Just safe mode) and see if that starts up? If it does restart and it should login normally

If safe mode works and it still won't get in when you restart then we need to do some debugging. If safe mode doesn't work then you might either 1) Have a corrupt windows 2) Bad Hard drive or 3) some kind of bad hardware but that usually give you a Blue Screen Of Death

Safe mode does not work. I have tried all of the different safe mode options and none of them worked. I don't think it's a problem with the hard drive since it doesn't make any strange noises that others have reported. It's more than likely the Windows is corrupted so I guess I'll just get a new version. Thanks for the help anyhow :)
having bad sectors on a hard drive DOESN"T make any noises! Use Crystal Disk Info in my signature if and when you get windows up and running or if you slave it over to another PC. If it says anything besides GOOD it needs to be replaced!
no problem! yea it just sounded like a bad hard drive to me lol. i get a lot of clients about oh my pc is slow. now your hard drive is dieing haha. like the last quater of 2013 i must have replaced over 2 dozen hard drive. It was like...IDK...hard drive death season or something.