Win7: WiFi Connection Fine, But Internet Access Drops Periodically


Oct 19, 2016
So i have a Asus usb-AC68 wireless adapter for my windows 7 desktop. My internet connection is as strong as it gets and i have no problem with signal. But periodically, with periods of 10min-1hr in between. my WiFi will go to "no internet access". I will have perfectly fine connection to my router, but no internet access.

I've had this problem only recently within the last couple weeks or so. I don't think it's the router because i reset that to factory to test, and i still have the problem.
I also don't think its the adapter or it's drivers because i recently upgraded to the AC68 and it was happening to my old adapter too. i tried uninstalling all the adapters and uninstalling the drivers and reinstalling it all, but it still does that.

Now, I don't know if its related, but recently i think some physical part of my computer somehow got damaged because now my computer cant keep the time accurately and has to be synced again with the internet time like every hour. i looked up how to fix that and i found myself in event scheduler in the manage section of my computer. maybe i accidentally screwed up something there? I don't know, but i am really sick and tired of playing online video games and then abruptly booted out because my WiFi decided to take a dump without warning. PLEASE HELP.

I'm always willing to give more information in order to help diagnose the cause, so by all means. Ask away
"because now my computer cant keep the time accurately"

I don't know how old your PC is, but this is actually a very common symptom of a failing CMOS battery.

On your motherboard you should be able to find a round silver battery. That is the CMOS battery, and it powers the system that keeps time on your PC. First thing I would do is try and replace that battery and see if the network glitch was associated with your motherboard's inability to keep stable system time.

i've replaced the cmos battery. hell i went to such drastic measures as factory resetting(it needed one anyways), still didn't work, i fear my motherboard may be dying
I'm afraid that's just about the only other step that comes to mind for me with those symtoms. 🙁

Internet dropping is one thing, but the fact that your system can't keep time is very strange and almost always hardware related.

oh well. i've been meaning to overhaul my pc anyways. its about 5 years old and the only thing i've upgraded since i bought it is the gpu