Win8 failed during Re-install, don't know what my options are.

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Feb 16, 2013
So my PC has been freezing up after ~1 hour of use so I decided to use Windows 8's Restart function to completely uninstall everything and reinstall the OS. During the reinstall process something failed and I was either given the option to try again or to turn off my PC. I tried to reinstall again but it failed immediately. So then I just rebooted my PC, but now I'm getting the message that I do not have an OS installed on my computer and will either need the installation disk or a USB with the installation files. I only have my Win7 installation disk (I upgraded to Win8 via download). Do I just reinstall Windows 7, or find a way to get a Windows 8 installation disk/USB?

It says on the site that I would need to have a previous Widows OS installed for me to upgrade. Since my PC crashed in the middle of reinstallation, I'm guessing my PC has no OS installed, correct?

Should I find my Win7 installation disk and install that first before I install Win8 via your link?
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