Most of us were hoping that AOL release it as open source so it can be further developed to work on all platforms. Ah well. Least it's still alive...hopefully not on life support.
Oddly enough, I don't listen to music. I am more the audiobook kind of guy. One thing that I think this app still has going for it is a nice add as a shoutcast client. I hope it keeps going as is.
I stopped using Winamp several years ago. AIMP3 is so much better in all of the features that it has. Winamp has failed me, even the search function would freeze the player for several seconds if a large playlist is loaded. Screw that, AIMP FTW!
Since i switched to foobar2000 i've never looked back. Still, i used Winamp a lot when i started with this newfangled "internet" thing and was amazed by the amount of skins, so i hope it keeps whipping the llama's ass somewhere
Still use Winamp as well. When you don't want a bunch of frills and just went to get your music on, then whip the llama's ass! 😀 It hasn't given me any issues at all.
I stopped using Winamp when they started adding all of the bloat (somewhere in the 2.x era). I still use the pre-bloat release every once in a while. Is the latest version any good? I've been using Grooveshark for the most part over the past couple of years.
128kbps is fair quality, not high. Try 256kbps instead. I personally rip my CDs in 320kbps.
i have a friend that did that, ripping songs that were recorded in 128kbps to 320kbps. Not only was there any difference, the size of the file was tripled.
Songs, streams, whatever. Original content needs to be recorded originally at 320kbps otherwise wasting bandwidth for nothing.
never cared for winamp... i just dont like extra installations on my pc. i know i will catch a lot of flames for sayin that i rather use windows media player instead.
running winamp since 2001. Thanks for m3u, pls etc. Thanks for hours of internet radio, for hours of album listening, thanks for global hotkeys, thanks for everything winamp. I'll keep you as long as i can use windows and listen to music.