windows 10 blocks my online shool how tofix it

Hello Sayda_

Can you please elaborate the issue you are facing?

For example, which site are you trying to access, which router are you using, is there any third-party antivirus with firewall that you have installed recently, when and on which operating system was the last time you opened your school's site, etc.?

Please revert back with more details to allow us to provide you the accurate solution.

Cheers!! :)
Hello Sayda_

Can you please elaborate the issue you are facing?

For example, which site are you trying to access, which router are you using, is there any third-party antivirus with firewall that you have installed recently, when and on which operating system was the last time you opened your school's site, etc.?

Please revert back with more details to allow us to provide you the accurate solution.

Cheers!! :)