Windows 10 (CPU?) Problems

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Dec 31, 2018
My Win 10 Laptop (which is like 2 days old) is just a total mess.
Sometimes the CPU is stressed out to
100% from minor tasks and sometimes it will just drop to
0.79-0.8 Ghz after running on 100%.
If I run ANYTHING its like super slow
(Games run fine for like 3 minutes but then the FPS are dropping, Youtube takes ages to load)
I have no clue whats the problem.
I checked temperature and I don't think that it is the problem (39° C on Idle and 58 ° C when in a Game).

Thanks in ahead

1. List laptop specs
2. Run disk defragment and see if this works.
disk defragment won't work and CPU usage is just totally broken ... sometimes on 100% for no reason but when in a game/programm it is barly more than 70% but runs slow anyway. Probably will return it
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