Windows 10 freezing. Is it a RAM issue?


Aug 24, 2018
So i got my new system!!
ryzen 7 1700 (boost enabled 3.0 ~ 3.7) not overclocked
ram g.skill 8gb 3000mhz (single channel one stick)
MoBo gigabyte ab350 gaming 3
Everything fine cpu 17 c at idle (7 fans connected plus 1 stock cpu cooler which is amazing).

The only problem i have is some minor windows 10 freezes now and then(note : i clean install windows 10).
i set the ram from the defailut it was 2133 to 3000mhz on the frequency tab(with xmp enabled), and from then i start getting the freezes in win 10.
I didnt change anything else, neither voltages of ram, neither overclock cpu. I change Only just the frequencies of the RAM with xmp enabled.
I then enter again bios disable xmp and only aplied the frequency of ram to 2666mhz(without xmp) now its smoother with very rare freezes(but i still get some).

Do you know what the problem is?

UPDATE: I still get freezes now more frequently, minimizing browser, switching apps etc.
Those issues were quite frequent when first Ryzens appeared, so you are likely experiencing the same thing.

When installing WIndows 10 from scratch, did you use the very latest ISO image from Microsoft with all updates? If not, update windows to the latest version first. Ryzens need all the patches to work fine.

Also, if there are newer BIOS versions for your motherboard available, update the BIOS. That should help as well.

EDIT: forgot to answer your question - yeah, it is the memory issue, but nothing is physically wrong with memory, it is a slight RAM compatibility issue if you don't have all the patches and latest BIOS. Once updated, everything should be fine.
Those issues were quite frequent when first Ryzens appeared, so you are likely experiencing the same thing.

When installing WIndows 10 from scratch, did you use the very latest ISO image from Microsoft with all updates? If not, update windows to the latest version first. Ryzens need all the patches to work fine.

Also, if there are newer BIOS versions for your motherboard available, update the BIOS. That should help as well.

EDIT: forgot to answer your question - yeah, it is the memory issue, but nothing is physically wrong with memory, it is a slight RAM compatibility issue if you don't have all the patches and latest BIOS. Once updated, everything should be fine.


Aug 24, 2018

yeah maybe the win 10 updates were the probelm all along, i'm also getting the latest 1803 update, i will post an update if itwas fixed.
Thanks for the help!