Windows 10 October Update May Wipe Files, Have Driver Issues

The missing files issues looks to be more if people do something non standard with those folders. If they leave them as they are it looks like nothing changes from previous upgrades.

That said anyone who is installing a full blown OS upgrade to their system and did not do some sort of backup before hand are at fault. People seem to like to "forget" to backup then blame anyone else when they should have just done a backup and everything would have been just fine.

I personally have my user folders on a different drive. That way if I decide to reinstall I don't ever have to worry about losing anything.



There is one large hole in that argument: unless you go out of your way to disable automatic updates, Windows 10 doesn't ask permission before updating and rebooting, it simply picks a time window where you aren't typically using your computer.


But the plug in that large hole is...why isn't there an actual backup anyway?

Completely disregarding a major OS update..every time you press the power button, you should have a backup of anything critical.
While I did not loose any files by upgradeing my keyboard software for my G.Skill MK780R MX no longer works. There will be more issues to pop up with this update so be ready to report on them also.


Apr 20, 2012
Unfrtunately, the vast majority of computer users have no idea what is involved in doing a backup. My wife, who is semi-literate, thought that since she was saving her documents to the desktop, they were saved and safe. The spring update wiped out all of the data in the user folder, so she lost everything. Her bad - she did not want me to set up her new computer, saying that she could do that herself (maybe a reflection of the current trend towards empowerment). I could not recover anything. I have now given her a thumb drive to do real backup, but I suspect that it will never be done.

The bigger problem is that MS is pushing these updates, and that the owner of the machine cannot really control when they are installed. Yes, you can delay them, for a while, but it requires considerable effort to monitor the update scheduler, which is an abomination. The owner should decide when the updates get installed, not MS.


Jun 10, 2018
Forced updates, combined with serious bugs like these, are becoming quite burdensome. We are being used as beta testers.

I have set my WIFI connection as "metered" and limited the bandwidth used in Windows Update (under -> Delivery Optimization -> Advanced) to 5%, which is the minimum allowed, in an attempt to delay the update as much as possible.


Jan 29, 2018
Even a POSSIBLE issue with OneDrive should give people pause, since for many users, that IS the backup (or one of the ways files are backed up). Although I occasionally will back up my whole disk, for the most part, OneDrive is my day-to-day backup, so anything that affects data there WILL cause some data loss for me. (I guess I could go to another computer that hasn't been on since my main PC was updated, disconnect it from the network so it won't sync files, copy the OneDrive folder somewhere, then turn it on and re-sync, but chances are, I'd still lose at least a couple days' worth of stuff that way).

I agree with this. Except this update is not being pushed out to people yet and most people who have gotten this update have decided to push it themselves.

I also checked the report and it seems it is people who do non-standard things with their user folder, i.e. they change the location or something else. I just pushed it to my work system and it was fast and everything was as it was when I started it. In fact everything feels snappier now which I was not expecting.

Still point is valid, as USAFRet said there should always be a backup update or not. One on site and one off site at least to avoid situations like these. What if their SSD/HDD failed?

This is easier:

Change the Setting of the Group Policy Editor

The Group Policy feature is not available in the Home edition. So, only when you run Windows 10 Professional, Enterprise, or Education, you can use the Group Policy Editor to change the settings to prevent Windows 10 from automatically updating. The group policy editor will notify you of new updates without automatically installing them.

Press the Windows logo key + R then type gpedit.msc and click OK.
Go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update.
Double-click Configure Automatic Updates.
Select Disabled in Configured Automatic Updates on the left, and click Apply and OK to disable the Windows automatic update feature.

Note: If you need to update your Windows version later, you can repeat the steps above, then select Enabled to turn on this feature, so that you can continue to download the updates.

We use it at work for that very purpose as we prefer not to have a hundred people calling about updates taking forever (it seems to go pretty fast on SSDs but takes 2-4 hours on HDDs) or things not working.

Tarc Novar

Jan 12, 2016

Based on what, your face? It is easily suitable for workstations. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it bad.


Group policy editor is actually included in Windows10 Home edition, it's just disabled by default.
Should enable Home users to shut down auto updates.

I just yesterday bothered to install the April update, I do it manually through Windows settings, update.


May 18, 2006
This is so stupid. Last update had issues. It was better in the days of Service Pack, where in between they would release fixes.

Its because they want to cram as many features as possible to "catch up with mobile" or some crap. No, we want Windows to get PC right before going tangent. More features in a short time mean more potential for errors.
Oct 4, 2018
I figure it's about 4-5 workdays a year just to futz with issues due to <mod edit> design and poor QA from Microsoft. Gee, today my printer doesn't work., wow this thing is slow today. Oh look, I have to turn off the spy "features" again. At least that's down from 10 days or so from early in Windows history.
Windows is a perpetual Beta product, we are all it's testers. I don't expect it will ever get to a stable release. I do not expect this behavior from my refrigerator or my TV -or heck, even my car. Here's an old old joke (maybe even Pre Win 95) to show that this is nothing new:
If GM had developed technology like Microsoft, we would all be driving cars with the following characteristics:

1. For no reason at all, your car would crash twice a day.

2. Every time they repainted the lines on the road, you would have to buy a new car.

3. Occasionally, executing a manoeuver such as a left-turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart, and you would have to reinstall the engine.

4. When your car died on the freeway for no reason, you would just accept this, restart and drive on.

5. Only one person at a time could use the car, unless you bought ‘Car95’ or ‘CarNT’, and then added more seats.

6. Apple would make a car powered by the sun, reliable, five times as fast, and twice as easy to drive, but would run on only five per cent of the roads.

7. Oil, water temperature and alternator warning lights would be replaced by a single ‘general car default’ warning light.

8. New seats would force every-one to have the same size butt.

9. The airbag would say ‘Are you sure?’ before going off.

10. Occasionally, for no reason, your car would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the door handle, turned the key, and grabbed the radio antenna.

11. GM would require all car buyers to also purchase a deluxe set of road maps from Rand-McNally (a subsidiary of GM), even though they neither need them nor want them. Trying to delete this option would immediately cause the car’s performance to diminish by 50 per cent or more. Moreover, GM would become a target for investigation by the Justice Department.

12. Every time GM introduced a new model, car buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car.

13. You would press the ‘start’ button to shut off the engine.


Nov 28, 2016

I like windows 10 but as levijonesm says:
"Forced updates, combined with serious bugs like these, are becoming quite burdensome. We are being used as beta testers."

Instability is not an option in workstations.



Ironically, much of this old joke has come to pass now that computers run every little thing in modern cars.


I hear this all the time..."Forced Updates BAD!!"

The alternative to the forced updates is the next iteration of WannaCry.

Either updates are pushed to all, or your neighbors daughters boyfriend turns off the updates for everyone he knows, because "Jimmy is good with computers!". And infects the entire ecosystem.

I fully understand there is a community of people who do not want or need updates being ON and pushed. Most, but not all, people reading this.

But it is a binary. On or Off. There is no selection for "only the smart ones who won't screw it up"



They are bad. Especially when the update process restarts your PC without authorization, causing you to lose all unsaved work or possibly worse, corrupting a save in progress. Back in the Windows XP days, I lost track of how many times I lost work because Windows prompted me to restart my PC as I was typing with the default option being "restart now" which got activated by the space bar. Disabling automatic updates has been at the top of my to-do list after OS install ever since.

Most settings, even in home, can be managed by gpedit.msc, which is actually available in Home as well, so I will ask for more detail in what you consider to be the advantages of Pro.


I just said in an earlier post that group policy is included in Home, but is disabled by default. You'd have to know how to unlock it, after figuring out that that's what you needed in the first place, and quite often that's beyond the capabilities of many pc users. Pro has all that unlocked and native, so can be a benefit for those who (like my wife) are not tech savvy (the TV remote drives her crazy). A simple point and click 'no don't automatically install updates' is a nice option. Gives me time to see what's up when I have the time instead of coming home to an angry wife who just lost a days worth of work, the background is now dark not white, and half her work folders are messed up.
I also prefer the more classic windows feel to Pro, it's more menu driven than icon or windows store app bound. The only real disadvantage is media is not as front stage, Home is far better for that.
The extra $20 spent 5 years ago has paid off in spades,all things considered.

Dunno if Pro made a difference, but this is still on a free upgrade from 7Pro, never needed to dump and clean install. Waited a few years until I got ok with 10 then ditched the 'old' files.

In all the posts I've looked at and answered over the years, very few are from ppl running Pro, either the users are more savvy, or it has less issues than Home.


Aug 29, 2006
Little problem with updating to Intel's new graphics drivers. Windows 10 keeps on bumping me BACK to earlier versions every single damned time I try to upgrade the graphics drivers for my chip to the latest version.
How about we stop with the "Microsoft and your manufacturer know best what graphics driver you need!" and let me choose my own graphics driver!