I've bought a per-build system about 2 month ago for a really good deal. But the problem is that the system didn't come with a windows key, it only came with a 3 month trail. And now, two month has passed and I think it's the time to start to look for a windows key. I personally hate Microsoft and do not want to support them at all as they are one of the most anti-consumer company out there. So of course I will not buy the retail copy of their OS. I've looked up for OEM version, but I still don't want to pay them that much. Then I found some cheap keys on both Amazon and Kinguni, I'm totally aware that they are probably illegitimate keys, and I don't care about that at all. I also don't care about weather that is legal or not, but I'm wondering will Microsoft deactivate my key or not, and if yes, how long? And which price point I have the highest chance of getting a reliable key. It seems like almost every on YouTube who knows about technology say they are fine and there is only a small chance of the keys getting deactivated. If you have tried either of those options, pleas let me know if they've worked for you. Thank you so much for the information.
I've bought a per-build system about 2 month ago for a really good deal. But the problem is that the system didn't come with a windows key, it only came with a 3 month trail. And now, two month has passed and I think it's the time to start to look for a windows key. I personally hate Microsoft and do not want to support them at all as they are one of the most anti-consumer company out there. So of course I will not buy the retail copy of their OS. I've looked up for OEM version, but I still don't want to pay them that much. Then I found some cheap keys on both Amazon and Kinguni, I'm totally aware that they are probably illegitimate keys, and I don't care about that at all. I also don't care about weather that is legal or not, but I'm wondering will Microsoft deactivate my key or not, and if yes, how long? And which price point I have the highest chance of getting a reliable key. It seems like almost every on YouTube who knows about technology say they are fine and there is only a small chance of the keys getting deactivated. If you have tried either of those options, pleas let me know if they've worked for you. Thank you so much for the information.