Question Windows 10 PC 2 windows 11 pc networking not working


Sep 6, 2016
Hi all I am trying to help a friend with a networking problem he has a Windows 10 PC and windows 11 pc both hooked up to his combination modem slash router via network cable I can not get the computers to see each other And then if I do get them to see each other I cannot connect from one PC to the other I have made sure that both profiles to private network discovery and File sharing turned on on both machines
I have checked

Function Discovery Resource Publication service (FDResPub).

Any other ideas on how to fix this problem?
The provided link is not working.

= = = =

Are you familar with the "ping" command?

Start by determining if the two computers can ping each other on the network. Post the results.

Next, run "ipconfig /all" (without quotes) via the Command Prompt on each computer.

Post the results. You should be able to copy and paste the full results of each run without needing to retype everything.

Make and model router (or modem/router if combined)?