Question Windows 10 Task bar glitch

Shrapnel 118

Mar 15, 2019
Randomly on my desktop the task bar will flicker out of place. I have dual monitors and this only started occurring recently. It seems to happen on the second screen only.

Instead of always being like this...

It flickers very quickly like this

Is this a known problem and is there a way to stop it.
Vega 64, I did a few days ago but it was fine after that until yesterday (there is a new update available now I checked).

No, I've never used such programs or installed them.

I'll update my driver with this new update and see what happens.
It still happens and even when I am in a game it will jump over into the game for a split second.

I think it all went wrong when I installed TranslucentTB from Microsoft store, thats when I noticed it start happening, I uninstalled it but it must of changed something and it made the glitch stay.