McHenryB :
jdlobb :
Why would I want to run a disgustingly inferior OS on my Mac in the first place?
Well, if you were at all open-minded, and had an intellectual interest in computers and operating systems, you might want to check out how Windows (Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris/QNX - pick one or more) is doing. Or you could just, in ignorance, proclaim that it is an inferior operating system and never know.
I've never understood why people get so defensive of one particular piece of software (or hardware) and feel the need to disparage competing products. There's no such thing as "best". I like to try them all at least once.
I have tried all of them. My desktop, which is mostly for gaming, runs Windows. My last laptop, before I converted to Apple for laptops, ran Windows 7 at first and Ubuntu at the end of its life. I've also run various Ubuntu distros on various desktop and laptops over the years.
OS X is superior precisely because it is far, far, far more like Linux than Windows will ever be. No surprise, since OS X is actually a Unix distro in disguise. It's this that makes me always chuckle when the Linux fanbois come running to trash Mac anything at any chance they get.
OS X is what you would get if you dumped billions of dollars and decades of the best developers in the world into turning Linux into a usable and mass-marketable UI.
so yes, it is superior in every way.
The only reason I run Windows on my desktop is because it literally only has to serve as an intermediary between me and whatever game I want to load. I do real work on my Mac. Coding? Mac. Writing? Mac. Web browsing? Mac. Multimedia? Mac.