Windows 10 upgrade froze my laptop


Dec 13, 2016
My toshiba satellite C850 froze at starting screen while updating from windows 8 to windows 10. What can i do? It's been over 48 hours now and it just doesnt work. I even put the battery in and out and it still doesnt work. Also fans stop after about 20 seconds after i turned it on(again)Please help
Before you reformat use windows 8 chkdsk to make sure the drive is alright, once everything is fine.
If you're doing the upgrade, there's bound to be issues. Essentially it's taking your Windows 8 PC and moving it to Windows 10, but the problem is that there's likely a program/service that you run in Win 8 that's not compatible with Windows 10.

Had I caught you before you did this, I'd recommend using a disk imager (i.e. Macrium Reflect, Drive Cloner Rx, etc) to back up your data and to a clean install. Since that's well past the point of being doable, the next best bet would be to do a fresh install of Windows 10. The good news is that your Motherboard stores your Windows license information, so it should activate automatically.

My os is Windows 8.1 home
Read this here before beginning:

Then download this tool and follow the instructions, shouldn't be but 1 hour total to download.
When prompted have a 8gb flash drive ready to go, reboot with it plugged in.
It should start up if not use your laptops boot device select menu and choose usb/hdd.

Well i kinda' figure It out. I spammed "0" when i booted It Up and then i selected advanced settings and i did Complete partition of disk(the longer option) and now It's working(about 50% in 3 hours)so It should work tomorrow. Then i Will see if It is installed Windows 8.1 or Windows 10. Will Tell you the update tomorrow.
Thanks for any info,but as i Said before, I COULDN'T even boot into Windows(stuck at start screen)
Installation shouldn't take that long maybe 1:30 tops if you're doing it from a upgrade.
Doing it from a usb flash drive and full install takes 35 minutes to 1 hour at best.
When it completes come back here and verify that, if not your doing a full clean install like I mentioned.

Yeah It Just finished... And i have Windows 8..... Yay..... Maybe i should install Windows 10 right away before installing any programa?