Windows 11 Security Upgrade fails to load at 98% every time I get the auto upgrade coming up. I've tried all of the troubleshooting both in Windows and on the net. I've attempted all suggestions. Still not working. I can't even get the auto upgrade to stop. It's incredibly annoying. I'm not a tech guru and don't have a cue why this is such an ordeal. i don't have anything unusual that would prevent it. I do use AVAST VDI but i've turned it off to get the download. Still no joy. All the issues with Windows make me want to try Apple. This whole upgrade issue has been a norm with anything I do with Microsoft and their products. I'm usng DELL Alienware which took the initial install of Win 11 fine to upgrade from 10. I need some serious help. I'm about to go tell Best Buy to trade me in. I've only had this rig for 2 years.