Very little physical disassembly is required for most components with the exception of graphics cards. Most other parts have a physical cable within reach to disconnect. Most products these days have a non-RGB variant for sale. In my motherboard, an ASUS x570-f, it has a BIOS lighting option that turns off all A/RGB devices with exception of the graphics card. For that I have two options; pull the plug on the graphics card's PCB, or download and install EVGA precision X and disable the RGB followed by uninstalling the software. No RGB to worry about ever again.Not plugging in is rarely ever an option. Disassembly is required in most cases to physically disconnect which not only voids the warranty for most, but requires technical knowledge most do not posses. Anybody can simply flip a simple on/off switch, it's the easiest and least expensive solution to this perpetual problem. My motherboard from MSI is the first and only thing I have ever seen to finally get this simple task correct. They have a simple physical switch on the board to simply turn all of the rainbow crap off. One simple switch solves the entire problem. I love it!