Windows 7 cannot boot up or repair, even after system restoring


Dec 27, 2013
My windows 7 has not been able to boot up for some time now. It has always gone straight to startup repair, which could never fix the problem, creating an endless cycle of restarting, running repair, and then shutting down. I've attempted to boot up using safe mode, but this would not work either. Recently I performed a system restore back to its factory conditions, but when I tried to turn the computer on again it once again ran startup repair, couldn't solve the problem, and shut off. Before factory restoring, I tried to restore to certain points, which it also could not do. Is this a hardware problem, and if so can it be fixed?
When I use that link, it brings up a number of different downloads. From which company do I download from if I have a standard windows 7? And how would I run it for that matter? My PC doesn't even allow me to logo or boot up in any modes