Windows 7 deselecting current window after 5-15 seconds solution (for me at least)


May 17, 2014
Ok, so the past few days I have had a rather annoying thing happen to me. I would be on chrome doing whatever, but I noticed the the "K" button stopped working on YouTube, and I noticed the window was not selected and I had to click the window to select it again. Then shortly thereafter, it would deselect itself. This continued, I did some research, found some other forums, and managed to diagnose the issue on my own. It was a TP-Link Wireless Connection Utility that was causing the problem. I figured this out by keeping a close eye on my task manager, whenever it got deselected, TWCU.exe*32 would jump to the top for no more than a second. I clicked it, found it's location, and uninstalled it. It was only after I followed it's location that I realized what it was, I've been having hardware issues with the Wifi card I have so I started using this TP-Link USB wifi stick (The signal was stronger, but much slower, 140p on YouTube anybody?). I was only comfortable uninstalling it because I knew I put it there, and I'm fine getting rid of it because I know it's not a system program and uninstalling won't bork anything up.

If you also have this issue, with this program or simply in general, I would strongly advise you to not delete the first thing you find unless you know 100% that you put it there. The last thing you want is to delete system32 and effectively destroy your computer. (Seriously tho, do not delete system32, you're gonna have a bad time)

Anyway, I hope this helps someone, It may have only been a one-time bug with my system for whatever reason, but I figured I might as well put this out there. If you are indeed having this issue, look at what programs you have installed recently and start there. If none, there are many other forums that talk about other fixes for this.

Damn you were too late 🙁 i had this issue a couple of years back and never managed to diagnose it, thankfully i no longer use those heinous TP-link adapters and have moved on to a TP-Link EoP wich works a charm and doesn't need to install anything on your PC. So no more pesky driver issues! I would recommend these over those annoying and slow micro adapters anyday.
