Windows 7 Folder Permission Problem


Sep 26, 2013
Hello Tom's Hardware! Unfortunately, I am experiencing a pretty frustrating problem on windows 7. Whenever I try to create a file on my E: drive (second hard drive), something goes whack. I can create the file alright, but when I try to edit the file AT ALL (rename, delete) it says that I need administrator permissions. I click on continue, and another box comes up that says "Foder Access Denied - You requre permission from ****** to make changes to this folder."
But, I am the one that I need permission from! I am the only user, and I already have full permission on the folder according to the security tab in properties! I have followed an instruction online that took me step by step to take ownership back, or to change ownership/permissions. I followed these exactly, and when I change it and hit apply another box pops up that says "Error Applying Security - An error occurred while applying security information to: (folder location). Access is denied.

Please help! I have not found any help to solve this problem, and I cannot do anything with my folders on my second hard drive anymore!

I am the only admin account and the only user on the computer.