Windows 7 installation taking too much time at expanding files showing 0% for in


Jan 10, 2013

windows 7 installation taking too much time at expanding files showing 0% for intel i5 processor & 8GB ram.
please help me to resolve it.

"Expanding Windows files" is completely dependent on your HDD/SSD. It's possible that your drive is very slow, dead (or dying), or in the wrong mode. Try switching to AHCI mode if it isn't in it, and if it is, then switch it to IDE mode.
I've run into this issue installing on an HP 620 Laptop [Only 1x] when upgrading using CLEAN INSTALL on SSD.

You want to make sure you aren't use IDE [AHCI should be set for any type of SSD]. Expanding Windows files is based off the media type you using to install the OS to machine. I used a DVD i downloaded of the .iso and tried both USB external and CD-ROM drive. Both stalled @ 88% forever. I then loaded a new .iso from msft.digitalriver download onto a 4GB USB Thumb Drive, and BAM!!

The "Expanding Windows Files" continued past the 88 percent mark and finished the install completely.

SOLUTION: Try another media type as this was my issue. DVD = FAIL USB FLASH DRIVE = SUCCESS!

Hope this helps anyone out there who runs into this issue,
Kent C.

Hi Alonso, im having the same problem. How did you identify that it was the power supply. I'm trying to install using a DVD drive. My power supply is a a Corsair CX430. Disk is a SSD Corsair FORCE GS 128GB. Windows worked fine but then one day started playing up and hanging. It was always hanging when Windows tried to do a system backup.

Do system backups consume more power from the power supply? Is there a way to fix the power supply from the BIOS? I remember once someone over the phone asked me to fix something related to the power supply in the bios. ASUS PBZ68-V LE. Now that I think about it, ever since then my Windows Backup feature stopped working!!!