Windows 7 ISO download options only French or Korean

Getting my ISO from here, I have a valid key, but I can't read french well enough for normal use. Is there any way to change the system language after installation?

No, I don't have the CD or know anyone who does, I'm trying to get it on USB*
according to this:
You need Windows 7 Ultimate to do that.

This site:
Talks you through another way.
This one is for Win8, but translates some of the relevant buttons for you:

I have changed Window 7 to a different language without owning Ultimate, so I suspect the MSFT site is wrong.


Yes. The ISO download on the microsoft website isn't letting me get English, and honestly I've never had to look anywhere else until now

@bjornl, I'll try it out. Does this ( work without Ultimate edition?

Unfortunately I don't recall. I remember I changed the keyboard and system language from Norwegian to English without getting Ultimate. However the last time I did this was 3 years ago, and I don't recall all the details, only that I did it. Strangely still localizes everything to Norwegian for me even though I live in the states (and won't let me change it).