Windows 7 Restarts

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John Lisk

Jan 14, 2012

My 64 Bit HP p6710f desktop running Windows Home Premium will not (now) restart using the "Start - Shut down - Restart" sequence. If I turn the machine off and let it "cool down" awhile, it will successfully boot again, and it runs correctly as long as I do not either attempt to Restart it. The other factor is that if I shut it down normally it will not complete a boot again for 5-10 minutes, but then it starts and operates as it should. This all started after about 9 months of good operation after purchasing it new.
First download, install and run malwarebytes if it finds something remove it. Then download, install and run Ccleaner and clean the registry, you might have to run it a couple of times. Also run msconfig and shut off anything that dont need to start with windows like yahoo updater, google updater, toolbar crap, any type of messenger etc. anything that dont need to start.
First download, install and run malwarebytes if it finds something remove it. Then download, install and run Ccleaner and clean the registry, you might have to run it a couple of times. Also run msconfig and shut off anything that dont need to start with windows like yahoo updater, google updater, toolbar crap, any type of messenger etc. anything that dont need to start.

I have to say the CPU is running at a temperature that has to be considered normal for an AMD Athlon II 640 Quad-Core CPU in a HP p6710f PC. The unit is not in a cramped or cluttered position and the ventilation ports in the case are fully open.

I can normally and successfully cold boot the unit in the morning and it will function normally all day and evening long until I shut it down at around midnight, as long as I do not restart it somewhere during that time span. But, if I do attempt to restart it to complete an update or installation, it will not. What I have to do then is shut it completely off to "cool" for awhile - ten minutes to some longer time. What I try to do is just shut it off overnight, knowing that it will start and run normally then.

This looks like the best answer so far, but I just have not had the time to use it. I intend to and will do what is suggested as soon as I can.
I have actually discovered that, given enough time, my 64 Bit HP p6710f machine will complete a hot boot or restart all by itself. By enough time, I mean about 20 minutes. I have to ask for more help now, because this was discovered before I did any of the things offered in what appeared to be the best solution offered. I have a MSI A6000 laptop with Windows 7 32 Bit Home Premium installed that I can use in troubleshooting the 64 Bit desktop. Can I be helped some more? Thank you.
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