If, as this article suggests, "Windows" Apps are not counted in the 3 application limit, then this edition of Win7 would work fine for most Office workers as well.
How many office workers actually "use," as part of their job, more than the following at any given time:
1. Email (Outlook)
2. One Office Application (Word)
3. Internet Explorer... (Most workers use IE for personal work at "work"...not work.)
4. Windows Explorer (Not counted)
5. Antivirus (Not counted)
6. Wifi Program (Not counted)
7. Adobe Acrobat, another Office Application, etc.
As AndrewMD suggests, for the computers this OS will be installed on...3 is a good enough number. If 4 would have been chosen, then this edition could be installed on almost ALL business oriented laptops. (And, MS doesn't want that...)
This is just like the silly difference in XP Home and XP Pro. (Pro can't join a domain.) If Home could have joined a domain, then businesses wouldn't have used Pro since almost everything is managed via Group Policy via Active Directory.