Windows 7 Successfully Installed on a Pentium II

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Interesting that he got it to run, though i wonder what exactly did he get to run ?

Obvious it booted to the desktop but will he be able to boot it to the desktop start a browser and post a reply to my message here in under 15 minutes ?
its' a shame the Microsoft windows use experience bottoms out at 1.0.....I would be interested to see where this actually falls. And yes, way too much spare time...
I have a 2 GB HP laptop that runs out of resources after several days if I leave it on and just log out when I'm not using it. This is only using the built in email client, Explorer 8 and Quicken. I should qualify that by saying there may be a couple of other things running in the background, but I've never had this happen with Vista or XP.
Sure he can run it, but can he use it? Hmm.. I've got an old pc, might try this myself (I got a lot of time too).
[citation][nom]erichlund[/nom]I have a 2 GB HP laptop that runs out of resources after several days if I leave it on and just log out when I'm not using it. This is only using the built in email client, Explorer 8 and Quicken. I should qualify that by saying there may be a couple of other things running in the background, but I've never had this happen with Vista or XP.[/citation]

???? Are you referring to Windows 7? You know it's still in the RC stage... Why would you expect it to be perfect yet?

At least hold your complaints until October. :)
eh... everything that would run on a 'modern' pc will run under the system shown... just slower... there's nothing in the architecture that's lacking in between those series of processor/motherboards that would not allow a program to run. if you strip down the services and wot not, i bet it'd run just fine as a IM client and web browsing without flash crap... i think we're just too spoiled because there's still a great majority, worldwide, that uses pentium 2/3 class hardware...
wonder how big the harddrive is.
I have a old laptop with similar hardware but only 4 GB of HDD.
Don't think its worth trying to install :)
I'm sure even a 166Mhz processor could boot Win7, but the user experience will be.. just terrible!
With CPU speeds lower than our current RAM, graphics, PCIE, or FSB speeds, what can you expect?

I bet it took all 24 hours to get that one installed!

It'd be nice to see some specs!
[citation][nom]rbarone69[/nom]Windows exp rating of -8.WARNING use of this machine may cause you to go back in time.[/citation]

LOL! Thanks for the chuckle :)
A pentium II what's the point lol. I also have a Pentium 233mmx I guess I could try it out on if I thought it served any purpose but it doesn't. :) I'm about to scrap a pentium III 1ghz system and put at least a P4 in that, and even P4's are slow.
[citation][nom]erigolhuhu[/nom]Talking about that, are they going to add something to change that huge windows bar in the final version?[/citation]
The RC is suppose to be feature complete. Which means any changes will just be bug fixes, minor tweaks, and added drivers.
meh, meh, and more MEH!! When they can get the latest version of windows to run on a 486 then I might say "hey look, windows can one more thing linux does with ease..."

I'm suprised to see so many Toms readers criticising the man for having to much time on his hands. Aren't we all suppose to be enthusiasts? I think its awesome. I might give a crack at installing on my old Pentium M...
I'm running the RC on a Toshiba Satilite a70 laptop. 1 Gig of ram and an ati mobility 9000 gpu. I was never able to get drivers running under vista for the gpu, but under Win 7 XP drivers from 2006 are working fine.

The laptop performs fine for everyday tasks (office, web, email) and is WOW is even quite playable on it 🙂

If you haven't tried it, don't open your yaps.

LOL. I'm betting it would. If it meets the requirements for WOW these days then I bet it would. Having said that, I'm not betting on how fast at all 🙂
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