windows 7 suddenly gone ultra slow!!!


Nov 17, 2013
windows 7 suddenly gone super slow!!! i have an intel core i3 3rd gen processor, 4gb ram, nvidia gtx 640 2gb graphics card, 1Tb hard disk. tried the clean boot thing but it was of no use

when did you notice that windows is slow? i mean, what were you doing on your pc when it started?
does your pc act normaly fast is safe mode?
is the inside of your pc clean?
are all the components connected properly e.g. ram, sata sonnector, power connectors etc?
are your device drivers (mobo, gfx card etc) up to date?
how old is your antivirus (and which brand)? sometimes old av or high priority background scanning slows systems down.
btw, by...

it is a genuine copy of windows tried both the things of anti-malware and unwanted services but all vain

when and how does it slow down? for example: explorer starts crawling when opening control panel.
what softwares do you run in the background?
have you connected any new device lately?
are you up to date with windows updates, anti malware software updates?
just eliminating possible causes.

it stays slows during the boot and it stays crawling all the time only the antivirus service is running in the background everything is uptodate and sry for the late reply..
did you clean up the temporary files? sometimes they pile up and slows down the system.
is your hdd defragmented?
how do you allocate your system's virtual memory? you can see it from "Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System" > "advanced system settings" > "advanced" tab > "performance" > performance "settings" > "advanced" then virtual memory. is it dynamically managed("system managed file" selected) or both upper and lower limits are same? edit: is the pagefile in the o.s. drive (usually c:) or in a different partition/drive?
how old is your anti virus software?

windows temporary files cleaned just now, same with the system defragmentation and the virtual memory thing thats something like the dynamic thing ie both the upper and lower limits ain't the same. 🙁 the defrag took near about 6 hours. but everything's working fine in the safe mode

when did you notice that windows is slow? i mean, what were you doing on your pc when it started?
does your pc act normaly fast is safe mode?
is the inside of your pc clean?
are all the components connected properly e.g. ram, sata sonnector, power connectors etc?
are your device drivers (mobo, gfx card etc) up to date?
how old is your antivirus (and which brand)? sometimes old av or high priority background scanning slows systems down.
btw, by services i didn't mean just antivirus. that includes windows' own background services. to open it, type services.msc in the search box in start menu and when the filename comes up, click it to open services list.