Windows 7 to 10 Compatibility Issues


Jun 1, 2015
Buckle up kids because this is gonna be a long ride.

Backstory: My father runs a successful medical business practice and uses a program called Allscripts MyWay to keep digital records of his charts and patients and the majority of all the information for his business. Allscripts discontinued MyWay a while back and it doesn't work on Windows 8+ anymore.
My father's computer is beginning to run pretty slow, and it is from 2009/2010 and runs Windows 7. I offered to build him a higher end PC, and he agreed. He told me about Allscripts and how it needs Windows and I took it into consideration. I discussed with him and told him to just upgrade to the newer version, but it apparently costs $40,000 , which is what he already paid for the previous one.
I was wondering if there is any kind of program emulator I could use to run it on Windows 10 on his new PC or any way to make it compatible. I can list any and all info you need (program files, PC specs, etc.)

Thank you so much for the help,
Sam K
4 options:

1. See if it runs in Compatibility mode in Win 10.

2. Build a new machine, and run a Windows 7 instance as a guest VM inside the Win 10 host.

3. Build a new PC, and simply install Win 7.

4. Simply do a wipe and reinstall on his current system. 'beginning to run slow' is not really a thing. Hardware doesn't slow down over time. absolutely sure this will comply with ALL HIPAA requirements (assuming this is in the USA)
4 options:

1. See if it runs in Compatibility mode in Win 10.

2. Build a new machine, and run a Windows 7 instance as a guest VM inside the Win 10 host.

3. Build a new PC, and simply install Win 7.

4. Simply do a wipe and reinstall on his current system. 'beginning to run slow' is not really a thing. Hardware doesn't slow down over time. absolutely sure this will comply with ALL HIPAA requirements (assuming this is in the USA)
All scripts like most every other EMR is very proprietary and buggy. While good in theory EMRs reduce physician productivity by 40-50% and make them keyboard slaves rather than spending time examining and talking to patients. Prez Obummer forced these on the doctors with finanacial penalties for non-use. The easy answer is tell dad to go back to paper records and scripts but in reality your best best is to install W7 in his new computer. Have you tried backing up his essential files and doing a clean install on his old machine?

RetAF - like your logo. The Eagles I flew didn't have that weapon - only AIM-7, 9, and 120s!
Oh boy a lot of replies, and I'm so honored to be responded to by USAFRet.

So I think i will just install Windows 7, as it doesn't work with Windows compatibility mode.

He wanted to see if he could install Windows 10 because he has it on his home PC and he likes it.

When I said "Beginning to run slow" I meant because the programs he uses are being updated and his PC is so old (I think its actually from 2005/6) it just can't keep up.

bfunke, my dad used paper records for years but he has so many he can't even store them in his office anymore. He has over 1000 patient files and run a private practice in a small office, and the files are about 1-2 inches thick each. He does talk to patients (for hours and hours a day), and just uses the program for information storage. At the moment, we're trying to find an alternative, such as a structured cloud based program, maybe even google drive. Thank you all for your help.

Sam K