For any one who has used the Beta 7000 build this is alrady there but hidden by default. All you have to do is open the ISO and make some changes.
1. Make a copy of your .iso for safe keeping..
2. Open the .iso
3. Browse to the "sources" folder
4. Remove the file "ei.cfg"
5. Save the .iso
Now when you install you will get a choice of home basic, home premium, business, or ultimate.
This really is no surprise. Any company making any product would offer as many possibilities as possible in order to attract the most costumers.
There is a High demand for a GREAT MS alternitive, if you think you have what it takes to make a great OS by all means do so.
However with the 2 other options out there, one expects you to buy overpriced mid grade hardware and the other just isnt up to par on the compatibility list.When asked about the compatibility, your treated as if your a lower class citizan because you expect your software to work without trolling forums for 3 weeks, getting talked down to and spending more time tinkering with your OS then using your programs.